We all need to experience the "present".... You, your recipient, your world!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Rudolph's naturally Jewish cousin......

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Business Gifting

Make Your Business Gifts Extra Special
Are you tired of giving the same old business presents every year? Are you disappointed that your selections are not overly special and are only given out of obligation? If this is the case then you should consider giving personalized office presents. When you choose to buy personalized business gifts you take the ordinary gift and make it extraordinary and special. There are many gifts that you can have personalized and it is quite simple. All you need to do is check out INITIALLY YOU TOO-personalized presents plus. –ie- http://www.names2u.com/ . You will find a long list of items you can have personalized including pens, paper weights, business card holders, notepads, ceramic envelopes and much more. When you give a personalized business present, the recipient will feel like you took the time to think of them and it will be extra special. This attention to detail increases the odds that they will use the gift you gave them.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Perception-----Creates Experience
What you think about, you bring about.
Your mind is shaping the very thing that is being perceived. Perception is what YOU create, therefore your experience is a creation of your perception.
An affirmative thought is many times more powerful than a negative thought. So..... Don't worry....Be Happy!
When have you noticed your powerful, positive thoughts creating a powerful, positive thing happening to you?
Share your positive experiences with us. Give a present to all of us!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel free to comment & SHARE the good stuff. It's contagious !
P.S. Start thinking Holiday Gift Giving NOW-Visit: www.Names2U.com and make my experience a really happy one :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Cleveland Indians Rock!

Link: http://www.names2u.com/catalog/index.php
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Law of Attraction
- You attract what you think.
- You create your own situation.
- Dream it and it will happen.
- Every thought of yours creates a real thing.
- Thoughts become things.
- Thoughts are magnetic. They draw back to you what you think about.
- Think positive & happy thoughts (then you will receive positive & happy things.)
- Create the "PRESENT" you WANT to experience & it will come to you.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Shower Gifts-It's the thought that counts

Not to worry. Even without having saved up for the unique gift of the century to blow away the bride-to-be, there are still ways to give a thoughtful gift without breaking the bank.
A good bridal shower gift is one that the bride-to-be would never buy for herself. That doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune on your shower/& or wedding gift, just give it a little thought.
My biggest piece of advice is get something personalized. It is always a perfect fit & becomes an instant heirloom.
Monogrammed his-and-her bathrobes, bath wrap sets & pillowcases are just a few ideas.
A shower is a good opportunity "to go off the registry." Think out of the box. Make a memory, not just clutter.
Consider constructing something creative -- like making a cake from a set of monogrammed towels. Buy the towels at your local linen store.
Don't panic. In the midst of all the chaos and flying wrapping paper, the bride most likely will be grateful for any shower gift she receives.
Remember it's the thought that counts. Personalized gifts say, "I thought of you & what only YOU would want." It's a win-win. You thought enough to give her a personalized gift, and to join in the celebration. That's the meaningful part.
A FRIEND is a GIFT you give yourself

A friend is a gift you give yourself. When you must "gift" your friend for her birthday, handle it with panache.
I feel that the best gifts are PERSONALIZED ones. If you want your friend to love your gift, think about what would make her happy. Ask yourself - What kind of a person is my friend? What are her favorite hobbies? What particular item does she need currently? Does she love gifts that are funky & artsy or conventional & useful? Did she mention that she'd ripped her old bag recently? I have a great suggestion.... Replace her ragged bag with a brand new, personalized, embroidered "monogrammed tote". This will give her something she probably would not buy for herself, but she will surely use often.
Need more suggestions? Visit http://www.names2u.com/ for lots of other options.
Please comment & tell us about YOUR best present to a friend or the present you loved the most & why!
Friday, September 14, 2007
A New Start

All of us need a new start.... This is the time of year for Jews to "start a new year"..... (Rosh Hoshannah) & be forgiven by those whom they have not treated in an honorable way (Yom Kippur). At Yom Kippur , Jews ask G-d to place them in the "Book of Life" for the next year. They are supposed to ask forgiveness from the people they have treated unfairly. Then.... they start a "brand new year" to be a good person, treating people the way they want to be treated.......... This is a superb idea for ALL people (regardless of their religious persuasion).
Everyone needs a new start... to lose weight, to reconcile a problem, to "make up" with a good friend, to apologize? to begin better business habits, to change ANYTHING you think you can improve. January 1 is only one time to rethink your habits. Here is a free pass for all of us to "start over".......
Tell me what you will "re-do" or improve. Your suggestions can help others.
Comment on this question. It can do a lot of good!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Back to School

The kids are going back to school & we need to make sure they are prepared. Each student (from pre-school through college) needs a backpack & lunch bag. Initially You Too-personalized presents plus (216-831-0007) offers embroidery on YOUR item (for a small fee) or FREE EMBROIDERY on items purchased at the store or online at www.Names2U.com .
We "strongly" encourage using INITIALS instead of a name on items that children (especially young ones) carry to & from school. "Stranger danger" is an unfortunate, but relevant thing to remind your youngsters about. If you do choose to use a full name, please REMIND your child that someone who calls him/her by name, may only be reading the name on the backpack. Another solution to the problem, is to have the name embroidered on the back of the pack (that rests against the child's back-not exposed to the world when worn.) Feel free to leave your comments & let us know what hints you have for making "back to school" , the exciting & safe "experience" it should be.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Experience a Graduation Present...
Today is your chance to experience a "graduation present".... Yes, "present" can be interpreted in 2 different ways. "Present" can be today, what you are experiencing now, etc. "Present" can also be a gift. I encourage people to "experience the present"(tm) in both ways. Enjoy your time on this planet & enable your friends to "experience YOUR perfect present for different occasions."
(A bit about me...) I have owned a brick & mortar store (in the eastern suburbs of Cleveland Ohio)called INITIALLY YOU TOO-personalized presents plus for over 30 years. My store is at 27129 Chagrin Blvd. in Village Square (at the Chagrin exit of I-271). You can find me there most days greeting customers who want to please someone with a truly unique gift. I help them to create an heirloom at a reasonable price. That is no small feat, but I try to rise to the challenge daily.
I have 2 websites: www.Names2u.com (personalized gifts for all ages & occasions)
and www.GiftedGreek.com (personalized Sorority/Fraternity gifts)
Late June is still Graduation time... Grads are having parties & friends are going to them ... Many Clevelanders come to us for unique & useful gifts that help them "experience the present (tm)".
Our #1 Graduation Gift for Guys & Gals this year is our Personalized Jumbo 30x40 Nylon Laundry Bag. It comes in a variety of colors. We embroider it FREE in various colors & embroidery styles. Pick their school colors or (for the fashionista girls: use hot pink, lime green or lilac on a black bag.)
#2 Gift is a personalized towel wrap.....Velour for Guys & Girls... or try a terry-lined cotton waffle weave wrap for that traveling woman.
Stay tuned & I will give you some other great ideas. In a hurry? Check out the Graduation section of www.Names2U.com ... or call us at 216-831-0007 (Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm EST). Ask for the Present Pro... That's me -Sharon, The Boss Lady or Mimi to my Grandkids :)
Tell your friends about our blog if you like us. We welcome your comments & suggestions.
Always remember to: "Experience the Present (tm)"
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Experience the Present (tm).....
I want the world to appreciate "the Present" . Life may be short but should be exciting & worthwhile. Live in the moment. Make a contribution to someone's experience. Life is busy & it flies by quickly. I want people to "stop & smell the roses", "enjoy the moment", "appreciate the touch", "enjoy the pleasure of holding your grandchild", "see your friend smile at a memory", "not have to say, "I shoulda, woulda, coulda...."
I hope to open a forum where you can share a "good thing"... Let's open ourselves up to positive vibes.... Feel free to write & share your "happy experience" with others. It can be contagious !
The Present Pro