Monday, February 9, 2009

"Present" a gift to yourself - A Quickie Spa Pedicure at Home

We talk a lot about giving a "present" to someone we love. Today you need to show "I love ME"by "presenting" a gift to yourself. Try this easy Spa Pedicure at Home .

Here in Ohio, snow has been coming & coming & coming.... I can't wait until "sandal season".

1- The sun is actually out today-going up to 50 degrees :).

2-Valentine's Day is coming this week. TREAT YOURSELF....

Sandal season is coming in a little while, Are your feet ready? Everyone seems to be penny-pinching these days, so here are some tips for a spa pedicure at home.

READY, SET, BUFF (3-5minutes)
Remove what's left of your old polish. Use a multi-sided buffer to even out ridges on the top of your nails. Begin with the medium-grit side then switch to the smooth side. This will make your nails shine. If you have a third coarse side of the file, use it to carefully remove really rough skin on your toes and heels. Be careful not to over rub & make your skin raw.

MOISTURIZE (2 minutes)
Massage your feet. Use an ultra-rich foot cream that will replenish and soften the skin. Slather on & massage in. If you can get someone else to rub your feet, that would be even better!

POLISH (5-10 minutes)
Wipe down each nail with polish remover ensuring all previous polish & oil has been removed. This assures that your color will adhere properly to your nails. Shop the dollar store to see if you can find the "toe separators". They are inexpensive, & guarantee - no smears. Apply two coats of polish -- a color that contrasts with your skin tone looks best. Bright, springy colors work well on anyone. Color can make you smile & feel good. Go for it ! Finish with a top coat that has a speed dryer. This should protect the finish & get you moving quickly.

Put your newly polished tootsies on a pillow and relax while they dry...

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